How do private cellular networks benefit organizations? An Overview

The world of communication is ever evolving. A major part of this era is the development of the ecosystem of private cellular networks.

Private cellular networks (PCNs) have emerged as an excellent option that includes LTE and 5G services for enhanced communication and connectivity. Not only are these assisting the day-to-day level of communication, but they also help at the macro level in large-scale businesses and organizations.

With the help of wired and wireless communication, PCNs are growing exponentially and are playing a unique role in actively reducing the congestion due to traffic. Since these are customized specifically for the needs of the organization, they help majorly in accelerating growth and fueling digital transformation.

What are Private Cellular Networks?

In a large enterprise with thousands of employees spread across a large area – may be a factory or a huge campus, the major problem can be internal communication. Using WiFi or cellular networks might be a good option but might not be feasible in the long run. In such cases, a private cellular network specific to the needs of the organization would work in favor of the team and the management.

With ever-growing businesses, the need for data security, seamless information flow, and a stable connection becomes critical. This is when a private cellular network comes into the picture. In simple terms, a private cellular network can be understood as a toned-down version of a public cellular network that is built for the larger population to be used in the grander scheme of things.

A private cellular network uses micro-towers and smaller cells to be able to provide network and communication to the organization. It can also be deemed as a dedicated network that would combine and mitigate the cost of a cluster of networks along with the added benefits of security, flexibility, and advantages of the macro-level uses of cellular networks.

Different types of private cellular networks

Here are the three different types of private cellular networks:

1. Shared Spectrum : It is a lightly licensed spectrum within the frequency of 3.5GHz band. Here, the US FCC (United States Federal Communications Commission) auction off the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum. However, the winner is not granted any exclusivity but, a priority over other providers.

2. Licensed Spectrum : Under this spectrum network operators can install their own equipment using the existing macro network they have. The private network in this case is provided as a managed service at flat pricing.

3. Unlicensed Spectrum : Under this type, both – enterprises and operators can operate Private LTE networks in the 5GHz frequency band that is used for Wi-Fi.

How do private cellular networks function?

Any organization or business would use LAN – a network device that helps in connecting the internal devices or servers within the context of an organization. Whether it uses wireless connectivity technology or a cabled form of communication, it qualifies as LAN when the devices are placed in a specific location.

Private cellular networks would be like having the regular cellular service but connected to a LAN that would be specific to the organization.

They work by using LTE or private 5G networks within the company instead of WiFi. Employees would be able to connect their smartphones to the private cellular network for better and enhanced internal communication.

Recognizing that this is the need of the hour, especially in large-scale multinational organizations, several cellular companies are rolling out private cellular network services. However, the process will take a while to become mainstream.

For example, in large public places like stadiums, grounds, large convention centers, theme parks, and theaters where the public often clogs the cellular networks, there is every chance the public networks may collapse due to high demand and lower bandwidth. This is where a private cellular network could be of great help.

Benefits of private cellular networks in organizations

Installing wireless communications and networks within the realms of an organization and a business has proven to be advantageous at various levels. For employees and their internal communication that may also extend to better connections with clients, these networks are beneficial.

● Better network: One of the biggest advantages that PCNs seem to have within organizations is the overall better network capacities and coverage they offer. The installation of these wired and wireless networks guarantees to provide companies with widespread connectivity across a vast area of coverage.

● Deterministic performance: Since private cellular networks are specific and limited to the geographical area where the company is situated, there is an added guarantee to the quality of the service and reliability of the performance. Additionally, the use of an unlicensed spectrum would assist the organization in effectively using a private 5G without the constant need for a third-party operator.

● Security and privacy: The confidentiality nuances of an organization would probably be in jeopardy if the public network and private network were the same regarding the means of communication.

However, with PCNs, there is a complete separation of the private forms of connectivity as it is limited to the organization. The data of the organization stays within the organization and its premises.

The security is top-notch as the added feature of only authorized devices being able to connect to the enterprise’s private cellular network is present. Moreover, the 5G authentication of the SIM cards also enhances the security features.

● Flexibility: The wireless connectivity offered by the 5G networks within the organization easily enables businesses to move places and their devices and equipment without worrying about the construction cost of cabled networks. Alongside IT companies, this is also very beneficial in sectors like railways or roadways, healthcare, construction, etc.
● Customization: The best part about having a private network for a particular organization is that it can be customized to cater to the specific needs of the enterprise.

This implies that each organization can design and optimize its performance with the feedback and data they receive from these private cellular networks. Using custom cell towers, private networks, and the best of future connectivity, organizations can grow optimally.


Owing to the advantages they offer, private cellular networks are not limited to a certain kind of business. They extend to other areas such as – hospitals and clinics, colleges and academic institutions, hotels or event-related venues, stadiums, sports grounds, amusement parks, small or big offices and workspaces, and government buildings and facilities. The benefits of PCN can also be leveraged in public transport systems like – rails, roads, airways, ships, and farming and agriculture sector, and several more areas.

To sum up…

Using PCNs can prove to be advantageous and it can lead to smooth and seamless operations within any sector or organization. Finding out if this connection would suit your organization would be the primary step so that you can ensure to put the best and maximum use of this technology within your workspace.

Using PCNs can prove to be advantageous and it can lead to smooth and seamless operations within any sector or organization. Finding out if this connection would suit your organization would be the primary step so that you can ensure to put the best and maximum use of this technology within your workspace.

The data gathered from this communication system can also identify discrepancies or areas that are lacking. For example, critical manufacturing units like pharma companies can integrate all their equipment, sensors, and machinery into a reliable network through which they can use a PCN to understand, analyze and identify process delays if any. Given that an organization can have full control over its private network, it would be easier and more efficient to change or respond to any changes catering to its business needs.

More and more businesses are seeing the holistic advantages of investing in private cellular networks. Adopting newer and more advanced technological tools can give companies an edge over competitors. Also, PCNs can help companies provide faster and more reliable service along with data privacy which is a huge attribute for clients.

Now is the time to reap the benefits of this technology by knowing more about it and understanding its complete advantages.