More Than Just Implementation: How SAP Services Partners Boost Your ROI

Companies today leverage digital platforms for efficiency and reinvention, with ERP as a key foundation. While multiple brands operate in the sector, SAP is arguably the most renowned Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. As Forbes Advisor puts it – SAP is the most popular among ERPs because of its sizable market share. It is used

Why Should Businesses Choose RISE with SAP for their Business Transformation Goals?

SAP Cloud Migration and its Role in Business Transformation The volatile economic conditions have created a demand for constant adaptations in decision-making, swift response times, and efficient issue resolution. To do so, businesses strive to find new ways of becoming more agile, intelligent, and efficient. Given the pivotal role of technology in the current landscape,

Step Up Your Business Game: Embrace B2B Omnichannel Commerce Today!

  B2B organizations often have complex buyer journeys with multiple sales channels. Even where digital channels are prioritized over traditional face-to-face contact routes, there are challenges compared to the B2C counterpart. Techwave understands that when working with B2B customers, not only do they want to individually connect to suppliers over multiple sales channels, but they

Crafting Your Vision From Product Page to Purchase: Design Guide Part 2

Our previous design guide blog post talked about core UX/UI best practices in building digital commerce platforms; this article extends this guidance with a deeper dive into the specifics of good design principles in the buyer’s journey from viewing your products online to becoming a customer and completing a purchase – and what should happen

Master the Art of B2B Digital Commerce: A Comprehensive Design Guide

Our last thought leadership article discussed the challenges around, and some of the solutions for, delivering superlative Customer Experiences in the B2B digital commerce sector. When working on B2B e-commerce platforms in the enterprise space, it’s often easy to get lost in engineering and the effort to launch a high-performance, high-availability platform for large-scale commerce

How Embracing Headless Architecture Benefits Businesses?

Headless Commerce has been around for some time, and many of its concepts are not entirely new. Still, in a digital commerce market in which organizations increasingly need to stand out from the competition, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and battle for their share of customer loyalty, market allocation, and brand awareness to maintain revenue, the

What to do if you were ready for Black Friday sales, but your ecommerce site wasn’t…

‘Tis the season of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the pre-Christmas shopping rush. All too soon to be followed by January sales. As an online retailer you’ll be looking forward to the revenue opportunities that this time of year brings: boosts in customer traffic, online sales and product purchases. But this time of year can

Why is an upgrade strategy for SAP CX Commerce the best solution for your business?

Investing in, and implementing, Enterprise software platforms such as SAP CX represents a significant business decision for an organisation. Software licenses, implementation and development costs, and building the infrastructure and systems integration required can be a substantial capital investment. But this is not the end of the story, and organisations need to recognise and balance

The Rise of FinTech: How Is It Revolutionizing The Future of Finance?

The evolution of FinTech (Financial Technology) drastically transformed the way traditional financial institutions – insurers and banks functioned. To thrive, global companies, retailers, and large tech giants realized the need to reinvent the value chain of financial services. We have come a long way from conventional financial services to FinTech. The future of finance couldn’t

How will deploying to SAP commerce cloud transform your digital business

When talking to our clients and customers at Techwave we hear consistent messages and themes developing around the deployment and management of SAP Hybrid and SAP CX as an enterprise commerce solution. Maintaining an up-to-date platform and keeping up with the newest releases; keeping the platform always up and always available; scaling and maintaining the