Modernization of Legacy Infrastructure

Despite enterprises embracing the cloud and other trending technologies, a good number of companies are still in the clutches of legacy IT infrastructure.  At least, 97% of respondents have said that legacy IT infrastructure will face a bumpy ride while fulfilling the requirements of cloud, according to a survey by Riverbed. The survey even revealed that 91% of respondents believed that modern systems may help them meet their goals from cloud adoption. And 98% of them felt it was mandatory. Yet legacy systems continue to rule the roost.  The following article attempts to throw focus on the how the modernization of legacy infrastructure will yield higher benefits for enterprises.

For SMEs and newly set up organizations, the cloud is a better alternative. However, for companies that have been increasing its size, and building its infrastructure over the time, moving to cloud sounds good but looks like a hard nut to crack. This is essential because they will not be able to invest further in the cloud. However, they will surely shift to the cloud without a second thought when they compare the traditional infrastructure expenses with that of the cloud. A report published on altersoft reveals that 71% of expenses would be spent annually on US federal agencies, which is around $34Bn. Experts opined that the initial expenditure might be high on the cloud but it’s certainly low when compared to the maintenance of legacy IT systems.

In fact, 90% of hospitals in the United States spend around $180000 yearly on the traditional pager technology. Legacy systems often require huge attention especially when it comes to updating the software as the code base is often vast besides documentation work. Even infrastructure of legacy systems will also be high, and deep training is required to understand the functioning of legacy systems as they won’t support the latest trends.

On the contrary, modern IT platforms are easy to integrate as APIs help them carry out some crucial tasks such as user authentication, geolocation, and others, which are not possible on legacy IT systems.

Can you modernize the legacy infrastructure?

The answer to this question doesn’t remain rhetoric. While it’s always advisable to switch to the public cloud and SaaS models if possible, you can still sync your traditional infrastructure with the latest trends. This can be done through a custom code, and through third-party applications, which are available in the market. However, the success rate is marginal. Also, they can fail anytime that may result in unwanted downtime.

Security features of legacy infrastructure are not competent enough to withstand the numerous malware and other data intrusions. In its report, Better Data and Better Support, many public and private enterprises have outdated software.

Even business opportunities will be at stake as you continue to invest in legacy infrastructure that will have zero scope for agility, scalability, and innovation. When banking industry bid-adieu to the legacy systems, they were able to generate at least 72% higher ROI as it took just ten cents for a mobile application transaction while it was around $4.25 per manual transaction, according to Javelin & Strategy Report.

Conclusion: Since there are minimal benefits of legacy infrastructure, it’s high time for certain enterprises to revisit their decision to invest in something that takes them nowhere in terms of yielding higher ROI through increased productivity, and improved customer support. If you are planning to switch to the cloud and another pay-as-you-go software model, Techwave, the global end-to-end software solutions company is here to help you out. Please write to us at