Quality Measurement Framework

Importance of Metrics Measurement has always been fundamental to the progress to any engineering discipline. Software metrics have been used in making quantitative/qualitative decisions as well as in risk assessment in software projects. Software measurement has become a key aspect of good software engineering practice. Measurement activities add value and keep us actively involved in, and

Virtual Gamification of the Real World

Gamification is finding its way into the most serious of office spaces. How is the virtual world of gaming helping to improve the efficiency of real-world companies up to and including Fortune 500 businesses? Gamification Aligns Goals in the Business When employees know their goals and receive tangible rewards for reaching them, people get on


Private Cloud on Public Cloud

It took a while for people to adapt to apartment culture from the good old independent houses. Just because you are sharing the infrastructure space in a high raised multi-storied building doesn’t mean that you are losing your privacy and completely dependent on other factors. Like the way gated communities have larger amenities and facilities