Digital TWIN: Definition, Advantages, and Implementation

Digital TWIN, virtual representation of an object designed to accurately reflect a physical object in real time. Using digital TWIN, project managers can monitor the process of the project in real time to identify potential roadblocks and find a way around them faster.

In this article, we will define digital TWIN, benefits of using it, and how to implement it into your organizational system.

Digital TWIN represents a significant leap forward when assessing the capabilities of your latest project. They can be modeled after any technological structure. It could be a new data center you’re looking to roll out or the implementation of a more responsive customer service platform. But what exactly is digital TWIN, and what does your company gain by investing in this technology?

Digital TWIN Explained

Digital TWIN is a cost-effective way of virtually modeling any process, service, or project you’re constructing. They bridge the gap between your digital and physical systems, allowing you to run any tests needed and gain insight into the viability of what you’ve built. You can solve problems before rolling them out to a production environment.

They consist of smart components with sensors that gather data from the physical implementation of your project. Those components connect to a cloud-based system set up to receive data. That system processes the information and compares it to other business and contextual data.

Advantages of Digital TWIN

Here’s how you can benefit from using digital TWIN technology to explore the capabilities of your latest project before releasing it to consumers.

Better Customer Experience — Use digital TWIN to explore how customers might react to different capabilities in your latest project. It enables you to make necessary modifications when the feedback isn’t favorable. This reduces the chances of you presenting users with a new product that receives lots of negative feedback—thus protecting the perception of your IT department’s competence.

Better Predictability – It’s essential for today’s technology to adapt rapidly changing digital environment. Instead of building an obsolete solution, digital TWIN allows you to test the usability of your project under different circumstances and in anticipation of future changes.

Better Cost Management – By catching problems before they reach users, you reduce the costs associated with implementing repairs after your project has gone live. The money saved can be invested in other IT priorities.

Explore Using Digital TWIN in Your Company

Techwave uses innovative technology and reliability to take their client’s IT infrastructure in new directions. We have the experience and knowledge to build custom digital TWIN for your organization, may it be life sciences, logistics, telecoms, or retail.

We help you with any queries regarding the usability, designing, planning and coordination of the digital TWIN.

Contact us today to set up a consultation. We look forward to exploring all the possibilities of digital TWIN with you